Monday, June 8, 2015

World Oceans Day

Today, June 8th, is World Oceans Day. Today people all over the world are going to celebrate and honor our oceans.

Why should we celebrate World Oceans Day?

We should celebrate and honor our oceans because they are an important part of nature.
  • oceans cover 70% of our entire world
  • oceans make up 97% of the world's water
  • oceans generates most of the oxygen we breathe
  • oceans helps to feed us
  • oceans help to control our environment

How can I help the ocean if I don't live near it?

Our family lives about 7-8 hours away from an ocean, but that doesn't mean we can't do still do things to help the ocean and so can you!

Here are just a few ways you can help our oceans, even if you don't live near one:

Commit to help keep it clean: You can take the 'Better Bag' Challenge at and you and your family can commit taking your own reusable bags and not taking any new plastic bags from the places you shop... for an ENTIRE year!

Conserve water: Wasting water by leaving the water running while you brush your teeth is something that can easily be stopped. Making a little effort to conserve water makes a big difference.

Chose 'GREEN' items for your home: You can help keep toxins out of our oceans by keeping them out of your home. Help your parents pick more natural ways to clean your home... maybe you could suggest that you all look-up how to make your own natural cleaning products.

Recycling: 80% of the plastic and trash that is polluting our oceans comes from land. A great way to help keep plastic and trash out of our oceans is to recycle as much as you can.

Pick ocean-friendly souvenirs when you travel: When you travel to the beach pick sea creature friendly souvenirs and stay away from those made from ocean animals, shells and that sirt of thing.

Be a sea-friendly traveler: Hey kids, when  you see trash at the beach, ask for your parents help and see if you all can pick it up. When you travel to a beach for vacation, try not to disturb animals in their natural habitat and be sure not to leave any trash when you are done with your fun day at the shore.

 All of these things will help our oceans by conserving and preserving our one of our most incredible natural resources! Let's all pledge to do what we can to keep our oceans clean!

How is our family celebrating World Oceans Day?

I drew the picture above in honor of World Oceans Day! Our family has pledged to reduce our plastic use even further by taking the 'Better Bag' challenge and we will bring our own bags when we shop every time and for at least the next year. We already recycle all of the plastics we bring into our home and upcycle things like glass containers and more! Be sure and share the things you and your family might be doing to help our oceans!

How can I find out more about World Oceans Day?

For more information on World Oceans Day, please visit