Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Sea Creature Spotlight: Hawaiian Monk Seal

Hawaiian monk seal (source)

Hawaiian monk seals

This sea creature spotlight is about the Hawaiian monk seal. This seal is endangered (learn more about endangered species). I like the Hawaiian monk seal because it is an amazing creature. It is sad, in my opinion, that it is endangered and so I wanted to learn more about these beautiful creatures.

How many types of monk seals are there?

Monachus monachus.jpg
Mediterranean monk seal (source)
There are two types of monk seals. One is the Hawaiian, while the other is the Mediterranean monk seal.

Forgotten relative?

The Hawaiian monk is thought to have an extinct type of monk seal relative called the Caribbean monk seal.

Where exactly do Hawaiian monk seals live?

Their name gives away where Hawaiian monk seals live, but since Hawaii is made up of lots of islands. Here's a look at where exactly you will find Hawaiian monk seals...

Monks seals leave entirely in U.S. waters surrounding the Northwestern Hawaiian islands, primarily in the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument area.  According to the Marine Mammal Center, there are six main breeding subpopulations in this area.

You'll likely find Hawaiian monk seals at:

  • Kure Atoll
  • Midway Islands
  • Pearl and Hermes Reef
  • Lisianski Island
  • Laysan Island
  • French Frigate Shoals

  • Did you know??

    Something cool about the Hawaiian monk seal is that they are the only seal native to Hawaii.

    The ancient Hawaiian name for Hawaiian monk seals, llio holo l ka uauameans "dog that runs in rough water."

    Monk seals get their name from their resemblance to monks... they have bald heads, sometimes have solitary habits, and they have a little fold of skin that looks like a monks hood!

    They spend much of their day sleeping and they hunt at night. They eat things like fish, lobster and octopus.

    Watch Hawaiian monk seals...

    Learn more about Hawaiian monk seals and what you can do to help them in this video from NOAA:

    Thanks for learning about Hawaiian monk seals with me!

    I think they are very interesting and cool! I feel we should do our part to protect them and I hope you do too!

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