Monday, November 27, 2017

Three Things In Motion To Help Save The Ocean-My Passion Project

Let's Put Some Things In Motion & Help Save the Ocean!

I am currently a 5th grader in Knoxville, TN and I am in the GT (gifted and talented) program at my school.  This year in GT, we have been given the opportunity to participate in a Genius Hour/Passion Project that will be presented at L&N STEM Academy in the spring. The L&N STEM academy is a high school here in town, so it's a really neat opportunity for a fifth grader and I'm looking forward to it.

What is a Passion Project?

For those of you who might not know what a Passion Project is, it's basically a project outside of school or typical school work, where you research and learn about something that you are 'passionate' about or that you would like to know more about.

As you can imagine, I picked an ocean-related topic. I am working on ways to help save the ocean. Ocean conservation isn't something kids in my area often think about, since Tennessee is a "land-locked state". My home town is at least 6 hours away by car from the nearest ocean.

My project is called "Three Things In Motion To Help Save the Ocean" and I am doing three things or 3 R's to see if an almost 11-year old kid can make a difference.

Here are my 3 R's:

1. Raise awareness
2. Raise $ 
3. Raise personal involvement 

Here's how I plan on accomplishing my 3 R's:

1. Raise awareness- Use this blog and my project to help educate others.
2. Raise $- I have a goal for myself-to raise $500 or more and donate it to the Clearwater Marine Aquarium. I will host several bake sells so I can accomplish this. I'm thinking about having what's called a "Books 'n Bake Sale".
3. Raise personal involvement- I am researching how to adopt a stream, what groups I can join, how I can help clean up rivers, etc.

I hope to really make a difference by doing this project because marine life is what I'm really passionate about and is what I want to do with my life someday. This project is a 'work in progress' and I hope you will come back often to check for updates or join me on Twitter and Facebook to see how I am doing.

Thank you so much for swimming by! 🐋🐠🐳🐟

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